Friday 28 January 2011

Rollin' rollin' rollin' here I go!

Hooray! I finally get to blog something! It's only taken me all day to learn how, who, where and ask myself  WHY?

Blogging is a new experience for me. I've never really taken much of an interest in the activity before, and was surprised when I woke up feeling all creative and like I have something to say :)

Do we all have creative juices? Do these juices boil to the surface at some point in each of our lives? Maybe, maybe not, mine were set to simmer, short of three years ago, upon meeting my (gorgeous) boyfriend and taking up photography with him.

My last writing efforts were all those years ago at school...don't laugh any of you who are younger than me, it wasn't THAT long ago!

So, why blog, you ask? Especially when we have Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Well, to answer honestly...I'm not really sure!

Stream of consciousness? Most likely, or just a way of letting others in on things I know and love and want to share with them. In the coming days, weeks and months, i hope to share with you my fave websites, some recipes I love, music I can't do without, news from around the world and most of all, all things RED!

So, with all this in mind, I think this is a relatively good place to end off, before I start rambling too much. Purposely a short first blog, just to get into the swing of things...I've enjoyed it and will now focus my mind to more clearly defined make for better and easier reading :)

Okay, goodnight world.
Wake fresh for news from me in the morning!


  1. Nice blog sweety. I get first comment. :D

  2. Yay! Thanks sweety, love you lots! When I'm making lots of money from this blog, I'll buy us a house :)
